Zero Fucks

Then there comes the day where you realize you have given your last fuck about a situation.  I wonder which one it was ..I might have said a proper goodbye to it.
It fucks you up a little at first, I think.
Like, you sit there, and you think I "should" give a fuck.  I used to give a fuck.  But, I honestly seriously cannot find one fuck to give anymore.
You might even like..look around your chair or something to see if maybe you dropped it on the floor.  Nope.  Not there either.
Then you think..holy shit, I'm truly free!  At peace, even.
I get a little paranoid after that..I think, what if I'm just smoking really good weed right now, and I really do give a fuck?
Nope. Not about that. I'm saving my fucks for important stuff. 
It's a heady feeling to realize that you came out on the other side of a bad situation with your...self intact.
I have spent the last year getting to know myself again.  Sounds dumb, but it's part of self-healing.
I gave away bits and pieces, compromised here and there for so long, I had forgotten who I was.
I think that happens to a lot of moms.
There comes a day, though, and it's a good one, where you just don't give a fuck what people do, say, or think about you anymore.
You realize that the proverbial not have the power to hurt you anymore. 
And people, when you get to that point, you are truly free.


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