Sept 11, 2001

Today is September 11th. All Americans over a certain age know exactly what we were doing 16 years ago at this time.
Those that did this, whatever their name is this week, hate us. They absolutely hate us and they have pledged to kill us to the point of killing themselves to kill us.
What is puzzling to me is the actual degree of hatred they have for us. Think about it. The desire that is inborn to a human being to survive, a.k.a the survival instinct, is very strong. This hatred that they have for us is so deep and they believe in their cause so much that they are able to override an instinct that is hardwired into the brain.
Let that register for a minute. I'll wait.
I honestly do not know what could be done with a group of people that hate us that badly. My instinct for survival kicks in and I just want to turn it all into a parking lot and some really cool theme parks.
I believe in my heart that our resolve has to be as much as or more than theirs. It's fight or flight, and flight isn't an option.
A lot of our politicians, administrators and some of the general public are kind of stuck in the flight syndrome, the whole keep your head down and don't become a target mentality. Historically, when has that ever really worked for us?
What this particular mentality does is start the process to make us less free. Look freedom is scary, I get it. But the more we give in to fear, the less free we are, and then that means they win.
I believe in freedom. The real truth is that you can be safe, or you can be free. I prefer to be free to take care of my own safety.
I know, guns are scary too.
Listen, people, that is victim thinking. Why on earth would we want to be victims? Being a victim implies that you have no control, and when you have no control you are definitely not free.
We need to stand as a nation and decide once again that we really do want to be free. And those that would rather just be taken care of by the government should feel free to go to a country where they can have just that happen.
I think perhaps we take freedom for granted. We don't realize how insidious it is to try and limit freedom on "just this one thing" and how that undermines and destabilizes the whole.
I understand there has to be laws of a certain kind, but I'm sure we have guidelines as to what is really relevant. The rest is just out of hand.
Ayn Rand had it right a looong time ago. "The only power any government has is to crack down on criminals. When there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking the law. Create a nation of lawbreakers and then you can cash in on the guilt. Now that's the system! " - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957
We are wasting our time on things that don't matter. While we are doing that, the enemy maintains their resolve. And, we are going to get annihilated.
This isn't about politics. This is about survival. Get it?


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