*The following are things that I have personally witnessed and been a part of.* Take that for what it is. About 10 years ago, when I still lived in one of the southern states, I had jury duty. The case was as follows, roughly. A guy was subject to a sting operation for selling marijuana. He was basically the local weed dealer. No evidence was presented that he sold any other drug. On the day in question, he met up with someone at a gas station to sell an ounce of marijuana. The team of police officers, and yes, there was a team of them set up the sting. Around 5..maybe 7...Both exits were supposed to be blocked to prevent escape. One police officer was not in his designated place, so the exit that was supposed to be blocked was not. The police officer did not block the exit, he pulled up to the gas pump. (This is relevant, just bear with me) Anyway, our suspect pulled in and realized in a hurry that he was about to be arrested, so he ran. There ...
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